Lots of Spills and Sunshine

Lots of Spills and Sunshine

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Plastic and pop!

For all those anti plastic Sayers here's a thought: 

It holds the cartridge for my sons steroids that enable him to breath. 

It encases the sterile instruments the doctors and surgeons  use to successfully deliver yours and my children via c section. 

It carries oxygen to critically injured patients. 

It encases the medicine that is injected and saves lives. 

It's easy to think go green I'm green I'm go BPA use glass ,
grown your own. 

Modern technology is as much a gift as preserving lets not be so damn one sided and stop judging the diet dr pepper drinkers :)

Buying from a grocery store keeps farmers and thousands of employees employed just as buying local supports local. 

Two pics because I love him a lot :) 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Short tall or just a measurement of space

Over the years I've heard the following from strangers : 

He's your oldest but he's soooo short! 
To which I reply: he may not be tall but he's not an idiot and comments like that are pathetic! He standing right here! 
To which I wanted to say : but you're ignorant and that's just a shame. 

You should put him on steroids! ( lady at grocery store ) 
why so he can be tall and dumb like you? 

Ty has had a few kids at school say things like: he must have a disease he's so short. To which I marched into the principles office. 

Seriously height is a measurement of what? How close you are to the dirt verses the sky? Does it make you more intelligent? NO does it make u kind? NO

Over the past three years Ty has had every test run ( because I wanted up make sure there was nothing going on that I wasn't aware of). Yesterday at his paediatricians this was the conversation:

Dr. Menard: Chelsea do you remember where and when Ty had the hand x ray and sweat test? 
Chelsea: no lol
Ty: I do it was at the hospital they also drew my blood and the X-ray was at Madrona x ray! 
Chelsea: good memory Ty!!
Dr. Menard: Ty I'm happy to report you grew an extra 2 centimetres last year and your growing at the same rate as the taller kids you're just more condensed!
TY: pulled a total Tom cruise jumped on his chair shook the doctors hand and said " sweeeeeet!" 

As much as he handles the comments and replies " ya but my brains bigger" I know he secretly doesn't want the twins to creep past him in the height department. Seeing how happy he was over 2 centimetres puts things in perspective. 12 gruelling months to grow 2 little centimetres and he was thrilled!  

Love u munchkin! 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Golden succulent late nights!

Golden Girl reruns make me insanely happy! I just love then with a cup o tea and a blanket bymyself. 

Succulents: well I'm obsessed to say the least I drove 1.5 hrs with the girls to Comox to island succulents to pick some amazing new plants. They really do brighten my spirits and make me smile. 

Late nights: I still don't sleep that is all. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Body image, woman, ramblings of my heart

It's a bad thing at first I think only because I perceive mine as bad when I think deeper. Body image is just that body image is neither good or bad. How we perceive our image is either negative positive in between or variable to how we feel emotionally. As a "modern" woman I hear and see what I "should" look like. I also hear and see how I should be a "mother" a "working mother" a "single working mother". People tell us what we should believe how to feel what to eat wear and whose shoes we should purchase. 

I have spent far too much time dwelling on what "society" Instagram and Facebook tell me to be never mind other forces like family friends etc. 

I love me and my brain I'm grateful for my drive and my determination yet when I look in the mirror I don't like. Except my nose I like my nose :) 

Here's to accepting me and creating my wish list and my goals based on me not anyone else. I know I'm not the only human struggling with identity and body issues. 

I wish that we can just be us I can be me which is ever changing and growing. As a woman I find its likea competitive    rat race . Do you have a degree? Where do you work? How many children? What does your husband do ? Are you vegan gluten free and dairy free? Do you heaven forbid buy your cucumbers from superstore? Do you work out? Rock red lipstick? When's your next marathon? Where do you vacation? How many extra curriculum activities are your kids in? 

It's insane!!!!!! I hate the rat race I'm not a rat! I'm not a Costco play date mum where did you get your kids boots?

I work full time to support my kids and to exercise my brain and my dreams. I have four kids because I chose to. I'm a single mum because I'm divorced. 

I'd rather take my kids on adventures solo id rather grocery shop by myself. Id rather work then stay home full time and I have to. I'd rather have been divorced multiple times then stay in unhealthy and  abusive marriages. 

I'm Chelsea and I currently don't know everything or much of anything and I'm perfectly fine with that! 

And I love that we each are entitled to our own wants needs wishes desires and dreams.