Lots of Spills and Sunshine

Lots of Spills and Sunshine

Friday, January 28, 2011

I would love to stay and post...

but.... my brain may explode from the mouthwash I seemed to inhale while trying to blow my nose and rinse at the same time and I start clinical tomorrow and need some sleep:) I shall post soon on the comings and goings, but for now here are my two oldest doin their thang!
p.s.- ty has wicked eyebrows!!


jessica&john.com said...

Good luck with everything! I love the pics and can't wait for another post. P.S. I am coming for a visit at the end of March!

Anonymous said...

those are some cute kids you have :)

Lisa S. Luckey said...

Seriously you have some of the cutest kids ever. They're all so good looking and cute!