It's my birthday and my kids will be camping and I'm OK with it. It's the first time in 10 years I've had a birthday and not had ANY of my babies with me.
I'm not sad I'm happy! I'm happy because my kids are with their auntie and uncle and cousins camping on Miracle Beach, I'm happy because I'll be at work earning money to pay for activities, housing, food, clothes, braces, glasses and opportunities.
I'm OK being "alone" as society would like to peg it because I'm more than being a single mum, I'm more than being a nurse... I'm Chelsea! And spending an evening with me, moi, Chelsea is a good thing.
Too often we have a role either chosen for us, fallen into or what we think we are and the notion of being "alone" or engaging in self care is somehow selfish. News flash it's healthy, it's healthy to love oneself enough to be with oneself without guilt and prejudice.
Happy 32 to me:)
Incase your lacking inspiration spring like a 6 year old boy and pinch your butt cheeks and jump !!! Worst case scenario is a little belly flop rash!
I wish self care was more accepted and practiced. You can't care for your children if you aren't taking care of yourself. You are amazing, Chels. You totally inspire me and keep me chugging through school.
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