Lots of Spills and Sunshine

Lots of Spills and Sunshine

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Goose Poop and Beach Playdates

Within 3.7 seconds of arriving at the beach Livie had sat in goose poop and Ty was sketching away.... off to a jolly good start if I say so myself

Canada's next top model watch out Livie and Rylie are taking over the posing world

Annika, Livie, Rylie and Charlotte! Such cuties

Playin Mario under the slide!

Charlotte whizzing down! Rylie and Charlotte became instant friends on day 1 of Kindergarten

I love this pic and cant wait till their 17 and we can take it again:) OK maybe I can wait!

Ty wiping his nose and surfing down the slide, such class we have!

Too funny! I am loving this 3 week break from school! It is doing wonders for my soul, I started off with a FB cleanse and feel great, no more status updates, or creeping peoples virtual lives, next on my list is to buy a book for pleasure and read it and not worry about highlighting and retaining more than my brain can hold.

Ty loving his sketch pad, and soaking up some back ground creativity for his dinosaur drawings.


jessica&john.com said...

I love the white flowers in the field pic with Rylie and her friend!

Brittney said...

Chels, I couldn't agree more. But I have another friend that lives in PG. We're doing a meet up in Vegas next spring. So just think, someday woman. And someday I will go on a tour of PEI. You can come with me.
