My Uncle whom I love dearly was having some health issues and during the course of our emails he ended up giving me more support than I thought I was giving him :)
C-Go to Church
P- Pray often
R- Read your scriptures
Thank you Uncle Tim for your simple yet profound advice, we talked about Old Chief a mountain in Cardston Alberta that reminds me of strength and hope, we talked about flying, we talked about the gospel and how when you need it most it can seem far away. My Uncle Tim is a man who I have always loved, I had a crush on him when I was a little girl, I loved going flying with him and hanging out in his airplane hanger looking at his paintings, and playing with his labradors.
I have always mastered one or two of the CPR's yet never all three at the same time, and now that my actual use of CPR(medical) takes up most of my time and CRT (Crisis Response Team), it may be a while before I can master all three.
Crisis Response Team has been the most amazing opportunity to date in my schooling. We are all RPN's, RN's, Psychologist and Psychiatrists and we respond to crisis's in the community and the ER . The part I love the most is that I do not leave until the crisis is resolved, it is fulfilling and exciting, adrenaline inducing, saddening and hopeful. When I was offered the position of ESN (employed student nurse) I have been given some amazing opportunitites, one of them working with CRT which by the way is where I want to work once I am done school in 10 months! I love it, I feel like I actually can make an impact. I get called in and the patients seem relieved to see me, I'm not the intake nurse who questions and sometimes judges, becasue mental health patients in the ER seem to ''annoy'' the staff, heaven forbid we see the brain as part of the phsyical body! Seriously changing that stigma is on my to do list. I hug them, laugh with them, cry and educate them, find them safe housing, detox centres, rehab facilities, liason them with community resources that will help them and a lot of the time suggest they be admitted and commited under the mental health act.
I have met some of the most incredible people and feel inadequete next to their experience and knowledge, but the one thing I am learning is that we all have something to share and give to others. I also suppose the reason I am blogging so much since starting my internship with CRT is because it is emotionally taxing and I need to express the feelings :)
Me, I need some immediate CPR and CRT on myself in a bad way, I have always seen the good in people and sometimes that is awesome and sometimes it means my good intentions are taken advantage of. I am going to listen to myself when I counsel my patients and take the advice home and actually put it into practice.
I nearly adopted a 17 yr old on Saturday and brought her home! Not even joking, her story was something that not even 50 people should have endured and there she was all alone, needing a mum, needing encouragment, tips on applying eyeliner and support. Is it too much to ask that a child have a loving parent who cares for them? When my kids are older and I am feeling emptynesty I know I will have to take the older children with no one in, it just feels right. Sometimes when I look at the sky and see the clouds, the beauty of the ocean and hear the rain, i wonder how admist the beauty there can be such devastation, the most devastating part of her story was that she didnt even know how awful it was. Todd didnt even seem shocked that I was going to bring her home :) I guess he knows me and my heartng and I love him for putting up with all my emotionalness lately! When I was leaving and saying goodbye to her she wouldnt let go she just held onto me, I told her she was beautiful and deserving of love, safety and shelter and that I would make sure she received all of the above as best as I could. She looked at me and said why are you doing this for me, and I told her she was worth it, she was worth me wanting to adopt her, me crying and being moody for two days because I officially know I cant save anyone, I can only help and educate. Pray for this young girl she needs all the angels she can get right now.
good night..